Day 208: Stuck in The Same Old Patterns: A Commitment to Change: Part 5

breathelifeFor proper context to this blog, please read: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

From Part 1: I have been listening to the Quantum Mind Series on Eqafe. In this particular interview, Quantum Mind Self Awareness – STEP 46, ‘What are Living Patterns and how to De-pattern Mind Presence to Discover your True Beingness within it’ is discussed. As I listened, I could definitely relate to what was unfolding, I experience specific patterns, of thought/feelings/emotions at certain times of the day, in the morning, afternoon and the early evening…In the next few blogs posts I will examine these patterns, through incorporating what I have learned from the Reptilian Series on Impatience (part 225-228).

A Commitment to Change Old Living Patterns: MORNING PATTERNS

When and as I see myself being directed by the emotional energies of: self-doubt (manifests as a hesitation versus just moving), excitement and/or apathy-depression, happiness, fear, worry, guilt, greed as I jump between the polarities of excitatory impatience and an irritating impatience I COMMIT MYSELF TO STOP AND BREATHE. I realize I already know who this person/character is but I do not know who I will be as simply moving with breath/a physical being-directing their own mind instead of being directed/enslaved by it, and so give myself the gift of establishing clear meaning and purpose in my life. I remind myself to continue the process of establishing self-trust/intimacy within my stability /awareness and keep moving to accomplish my tasks/responsibilities in the morning.

When and as I see myself having gone so far within participating in these morning patterns that I have allowed physical/behavioral changes to occur in my human physical body, I commit myself to stop, I bring my awareness back to the physical, to here and focus on my breath until I am stable. I realize by postponing I go into timelooping within morning thought patterns of impatience, which bring on imaginations and emotions, eating away at the human flesh and keeping me pre-occupied so that I am not focusing on tasks/goals that can bring about a world that is best for all. Thus I commit to change me.

When and as I see myself having gone so far within participating in these morning patterns that I have manifest consequence in my life/living I stop, I breathe. I realize, as I am part of the whole, what I do/who I am within each day, directly and indirectly effects the life of others and of the planet. I remind myself I have to but, in awareness direct myself to begin/start with the first step and focus my attention there and not get lost in the mind with feelings/emotions of overwhelmingness and impatience. Thus, I commit myself to learn/progress, within physical space/time reality in each moment, and thus be able to share/give what I have learned to assist and support others/my world.

tumblr_mlm5v5Ap4m1snp5mao1_1280‘Human Rights and the violations of human rights is directly related to Money. Currently, money is the blood of the system. And the soul of money is the blood of the people. We currently have a system that costs the blood of innocents by placing profit / self-interest before life.’ Bella Bargilly

Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation – a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All. Check out the Living Income Guaranteed – with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.
Check out the FREE Downloadables at EQAFE! Educational series with Insights and Practical Support.

Day 207: A Commitment to Change my Morning Living Patterns: Part 4

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From Part 1:   I have been listening to the Quantum Mind Series on Eqafe.  In this particular interview, Quantum Mind Self Awareness – STEP 46, ‘What are Living Patterns and how to De-pattern Mind Presence to Discover your True Beingness within it’ is discussed. As I listened, I could definitely relate to what was unfolding, I experience specific patterns, of thought/feelings/emotions at certain times of the day, in the morning, afternoon and the early evening…In the next few blogs posts I will examine these patterns, through incorporating what I have learned from the Reptilian Series on Impatience  (part 225-228).

A Commitment to Change Old Living Patterns:  MORNING PATTERNS

When and as I see myself existing unaware and going into an energy shift in the morning/mid morning, where my beingness and my personality merge, I stop and breathe and remind myself to be physically here/present in this moment. So I commit myself to no longer fall prey to shifting/changing energies telling me I am tired or, in polarity super motivated, instead I stabilize and move with breath-no energy required, just me here.

When and as I see myself participating within an irritating impatience with the thought/thinking patterns like ‘there is too much to do/I am overwhelmed/I can’t do this!’  I stop and breathe. I remind myself to slow down and to simply focus on the first step, whether it is one of many small tasks within a day or the first step of a large goal, to give my full attention to the one point to start, make a start, physically move and not remain in my mind of inaction controlled by fear.  I commit myself to this self-change.

When and as I see myself allowing my mind of fear to tell me I am limited in my abilities/not capable to accomplish certain ‘large’ goals but just ‘the little things’ in life I stop and breathe.  I remind myself everything is -one step/point at a time-a little thing, it is the little things that make up the big things and it is a trick of the mind to make me BE-LIEve something is apparently ‘difficult’ because it is more complex/intricate/take longer to accomplish and therefore I should not try or I should give up.  But time goes by regardless and so I commit to the process facing daily small/large tasks without slotting them into boxes in my mind of ‘easy/difficult’ within polarities.

When and as I see myself engaging within pictures in my mind/imaginations of how I can ‘get out of’ doing a task/postponing and thereby not facing the first step of a goal/task, I stop, I breathe.  I realize I am but lying to myself and this is a waste of my time because then I go into connecting to memories and using energies which deplete my physical body and make me feel tired. OR I go into excitement about how I have already done it/I see it done and then I actually don’t take the real, physical steps to do it reality!  And so I commit to stay out of my mind of pictures and to stay real/get back down to earth, to real space and time and move myself to get things done.

When and as I see myself engaging within backchat, with the ‘same old, same old’ dialogues/inner conversations  that I use to manipulate myself in the morning to avoid facing/accomplishing my responsibilities I stop, I breathe and commit to stopping this pattern once and for all so as to move throughout my morning with more ease and not have to ‘carry’ these thoughts further and then go into worry and guilt emotions about what I did not do, as it is useless, a waste of time and has the effect of me not changing me but continuing to live as a programmed robot, within cycling thought patterns. I commit to prioritizing my mornings to giving my attention, value, meaning, definition to substantiate my beingness through physical living!

‘Human Rights and the violations of human rights is directly related to Money. Currently, money is the blood of the system. And the soul of money is the blood of the people. We currently have a system that costs the blood of innocents by placing profit / self-interest before life.’  Bella Bargilly

Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation – a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All. Check out the Living Income Guaranteed with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.

Check out the FREE Downloadables at EQAFE! Educational series with Insights and Practical Support.