marriage fightsHere I am sharing the self-forgiveness that I am walking in my DIP course (Desteni I Process Pro) in relation to my how I react to my partner.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate in memories/manipulate myself by bringing up the memory of A saying, ‘why do you want my parents money so bad?’ where I am connecting the emotional responses of judgement, anger, hate, greed and fear.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to victimize and manipulate myself by falling into fantasies/imaginations of leaving A and having my own apartment, where I am experiencing myself as superior to A and connect an emotional response of giving up, anger, when the truth of me is that I am suppressing my own fear, anxiety and nervousness of the poverty, isolation and active alcoholism I experienced in the past.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to then fall into the bullying character, where I judge myself as wrong/guilty for having such thoughts and for having judged A so harshly and and then I participate in justifications for having done so, creating anidea about A, where I calm down and look at reality and tell myself he is not a bad guy after all and I do not want financial insecurity again.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto a point of suspicion as assumption, based on past memories and based on a projection and opinion that A is not being completely honest with me and in some future moment he will go back on hisword, that we are a family one and equal, and where I am experiencing myself as superior within anger,-judging A as untrustworthy, lacking integrity- creating a nervousness, tension and anxiety within my physical body.

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inheritance 3Here I am sharing the self-forgiveness that I am walking in my DIP course (Desteni I Process Pro) in relation to my how I react to my partner.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react within a manipulation, trying to manipulate A by telling him my definition of ‘family’.

In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I have a desire/want/need existent within me to want A to agree with me, as doing so will validate me/my expression/definition and give me a good feeling of beingright/good/and superior.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react to A with anger, where I am suppressing my inner experience of fear, nervousness, anxiety in relation to him asking me, ‘why do you want my parents money so badly?’ where this is bring up negativeenergy around family conflict and money/poverty issues.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become superiority, where I am connecting emotional reactions of anger, hate, blame, and judgement in relation to A’s reaction (statement, ‘why do you want my parents money so badly?’) to my definition of family.

Within this, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that creating/participating in  these energies, which I have given a negative charge, I am manipulating my body into tension creating more stress, building anxiety, creating muscles aches & pains, causing digestion problems and stiffening my facial muscles which over time creates wrinkles and causes headaches.

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Day 371: Blaming my Partner for my own Reactions: part 7: WILLS-INHERITANCE

inheritance 3inheritance 2Here I am sharing the self-forgiveness that I am walking in my DIP course (Desteni I Process Pro) in relation to my how I react to my partner.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to victimize myself within a perception, where I am reacting with blame, overwhemingness and helplessness toward A. in relation to money/inheritance and all the information with various options around this topic.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become superiority, where I am connecting emotional reactions of anger, blame, giving up and self-sabotage & I am participating in the polarity playout in which I see/experience myself as ‘right’/righteous and him as ‘wrong’/evil.

Within this, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am holding onto a memory, relating this here moment to the past when my first marriage split and I was left poor and had two young children. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react, where I am assuming the worst, within suspicions, anger, blame, judgement, superiority & self-sabotage by accusing A instead of speaking from the starting point of stability and equality.

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see/realize/understand how my extreme reactions only cause harm to me, my body and to A, as it results in the opposite of what I say I want; a truly loving , respectful , trustworthy family unit-with our three children and within our partnership.

In this, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am to some degree setting myself up for failure, within a utopian idea of the perfect family, blended or not, & A may be lying but judging him in this moment is not supportive to me/him/the situation, rather to communicate and uncover/understand where he is/was coming from & why he said what he said, or just be understanding that he does not want to admit it because he may be embarrassed or ashamed.
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jealous wife 3Here I am sharing the self-forgiveness that I am walking in my DIP course (Desteni I Process Pro) in relation to my how I react to my partner.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to project onto A that it is impressive to be an intellectual, where I am connecting the emotional reactions of blame, judgement and hate.
In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I have created personality, as a Destonian, that has at it’s foundation a belief/interpretation that it is wrong/elitist to be intellectual, giving it a negative charge, where I see myself/experience myself as right and superior because I know what is valuable/important, as in what is best for all, and people who are intellectual do not.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see/experience myself as superior to A, while in the same moment, accusing him of believing he is superior, coming from the starting point of my own ego, where I desire to see myself as ‘better’ than him and where I am blaming him because of the polarized truth of me, that I am feeling insecure in the moment while he speaks of another woman whom he admires.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fall into an experience of superiority, where I am comparing A to myself, seeing myself as someone who is compassionate and kind and seeing him as stupid because he doesn’t understand what is important inlife.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am coming from the polarized starting point of insecurity not strength, where I project onto A my suspicious nature, that people-specifically men who I am in a relationship with- are not trustworthy.

In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that here I am not standing as an example of life as A can easily see my own inferiority and fear coming out as insecurity.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to manipulate myself/my body/my being into a false sense of power/superiority and where I relax my body for a moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become self-sabotage, where I am projecting onto A my own secret mind/internal experience of superiority – suppressing the truth of me which is insecurity- where I am connecting the emotional reactions ofanger, blame, jealousy and comparison.
In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that in a quantum moment I have pictures popping up in my mind of a wedding, my own apartment, this woman and A golfing and laughing/enjoying each others company, essentially shooting myself in the foot, doing/behaving the opposite of what I want, in separation of A and this woman within inequality, the opposite of being here as life, and simply enjoying dinnertime hearing A share.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to then become the bullying character, where I react with guilt for having judge A. and where I swing from superiority to an experience of inferiority, attaching the emotional responses of insecurity and fear.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that this is a learned response from childhood, as I have pictures of my mom arise in my mind, where I saw her pull back when my dad got really angry and she became submissive and quiet.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to continue to bully myself by participating in justifications, trying to convince myself that going into insecurity will make my life and future secure, thus if I become silent/act submissive I will allow A to keep his intellectualism and male pride and not be a nagging wife, who is demanding he change.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am connecting the reactions/emotions of fear and powerlessness, helplessness, inferiority, suppression, protection and defence to the bullying character, believing/perceiving that submissiveness equal safety and security.

In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that- in that moment- I am limiting my true expression as life-where I could simply be self-honest in each moment with another and with myself-instead of planning and scheming within my own secret mind, how to supposedly protect myself within a submissiveness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created within me a self-belief & a self-definition that I must be a ‘nice & pleasant wife’ in order to have security in my marriage/partnership with A.
Within this, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am participating within emotional reactions of suppression, suspicion, self-doubt, self-judgement, self-blame, powerlessness, helplessness, and protection and defensiveness within playing a role of ‘nice, pleasant wife’.
In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am only willing to play the role of ‘nice, pleasant wife’ from the starting point of self-interest, within the self-created belief that ‘nice, pleasant wife’ does not get abandoned and left penniless, like I was last time I was married.
Within this, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am comparing my first marriage with my marriage to A.

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jealous wife 2jealous wifeHere I am sharing the self-forgiveness that I am walking in my DIP course (Desteni I Process Pro) in relation to my how I react to my partner.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit myself and another in my mind, where I experience myself as inferiorconnecting the reactions of anger, hate, jealousy, insecurity, blame, and judgement in relation to A.’s remarks about another woman.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to victimize myself by comparing myself to another woman within competing against her in my mind, like it is a contest and the winner will get A’s love/respect.  In that, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from this woman in inequality.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am participating in the mind consciousness system’s polarity programming of right and wrong, winner and loser, love and hate, up and down and following these energycycles/patterns as I limit myself and another in my mind & where I compromise my mind, body and being within these limitations, making myself and another characters in a story instead of life here in each moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fall into a state of delusion/experience where I participate in and believe all sorts of nasty backchat in my mind, instead of simply listening/hearing A sharing about another beings qualities/talents/skills and enjoyhis company during dinner.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am manipulating myself and my body as I participate in these reactions, allowing the muscles to stiffen/tense thus become achy, my face to scrunch up and my breathing to become shallow.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I have become the manifestation of judgement and as judgement connect the emotional reactions of blame, suspicion, anger where I am holding onto perceptions and opinions of people/situations, specifically in this situation projecting my own snobbishness onto A.

In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am experiencing myself as superior in that moment, suppressing the truth of me that at the core I hold onto a polarized self-belief that I am in fact inferior, in comparison to this woman (& others who I perceive to be ‘well read’ or having a better education/grasp on world &/or local issues or others who I consider ‘well spoken’), because she earns a high income and is athletic/a very good golfer so she can spend time with A in a way that he enjoys and this threatens me.

Within this, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto a self-belief & self definition of: ‘I am not good at public speaking, I am not competent to understand, learn and relate important issues, I am average at best so better for others to do it.’  As well, ‘I am not well read, I do not understand politics or economics or mathematics’.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that by allowing this comparison I am victimizing myself by participating in my imagination of A getting to know her on the golf course, putting myself in some future moment where he is thinking she is awesome and I am not awesome but average, thereby me not being comfortable in my own skin and just being me, genuine in the moment with A at dinner but instead allowing myself to become defensive, taking it personally as A spoke of this woman.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to hold onto a self-belief & self definition of:  ‘I am not awesome, I am average thus any partner I have will get bored of me eventually and abandon me’.

In that, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I am putting/placing a huge amount of stress/pressure on my body & being by separating myself from myself in that moment, not standing as life, realizing that it islife itself-which I am in the process of becoming-that is awesome just being here.

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Here I am sharing the self-forgiveness that I am walking in my DIP course (Desteni I Process Pro) in relation to my how I react to my partner.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to react in anger when A said he wants to keep his money and my money (that we inherit) separate, where I am victimizing myself within a self-sabotage by going into nervousness, anxiety, worry, fear, ego & where I am putting myself forward, in some imagined future moment, within a paranoia that he is against me, L, and M (my children) and protecting only him and N (his daughter).

Within this, I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I was rushing my thoughts, following down a raging river (or lightening bolts of energy) instead of realizing this was one of the first conversations we had- about inheritance -and these issues can be difficult to discuss & I could simply listen/hear him and then calmly share my thoughts/ideas/concerns, like a flowing stream.

inheritance 3I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to then fall into a reaction of self-doubt, self-blame and self-judgement, where I am connecting further emotional reactions of powerlessness and helplessness, confused as to my reaction to A instead of being kind and patient to me and slowly looking at the point.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that in my rushing I am manipulating my body, going into tension and tightness, causing an uncomfortability, which further exasperates the mind of fear, creating more thoughts and thought patterns.

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Day 247: Anger and Jealousy 3

cell sellFor proper perspective to this post, please read part 1 and part 2

From part 1:  Problem: Within the above statement/thought there is a truck load of memories and associated emotions of resent/anger/jealousy, which chain me to the past. I am existing in separation from this couple, limiting both them and myself to ideas/characters which I hold onto to, to define all of us, based on memories of the past. Thus, I am unable to see what is here, as direct reality and unable to change what is here. Solution: Change my relationship to what is actually here in reality-from mind to physical-and thus change my relationship to myself and others, into what is best for all.

Thought: I always felt ‘less than’ going to their cottage. Why do they get the perfect life? It really makes me angry!


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to participate within a number of emotional energetic reactions, with regards to this thought, such as: anger, resentment, jealousy, inferiority, superiority, comparison, humiliation, spite, regret, shame, embarrassment, judgement of another, self-judgement, self-sabotage, self-doubt and self-pity.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become angry as an emotional energetic reaction of defense, simply because I did not/do not ‘feel good about myself’.

I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allowed myself to engage within polarities in my mind, when I spent time with this couple in the past, and in my imagination today. These polarities kept me occupied within feeling less than and competitive so I was not able to respect (hold myself in a loving way/hold them in a loving way) myself or them, I was unable to focus on reality and simply be there, consumed within self-interest about what their opinion was of me and what I did not have (materially and emotionally) versus what they had. Therefore, I was unable to enjoy myself, honor myself and them, simply see the situation for what it was; they had more money and so more material possessions, period.

In that, I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allowed myself to participate within the emotions/energies of confidence-superiority and insecurity-inferiority, swinging between the two polarities because of my own discomfort level. So feeling first insecure/less than and then desiring to escape this ‘bad feeling’ by talking to myself/inner chatter or having a few drinks (I was not drinking alcoholically at this time, but still used alcohol to boost my ego/liquid courage lol now and then) so ‘feel better’ as I could justify I was the ‘better person’ because they were ‘materialistic’ and I was ‘humble’ lol or ‘feeling better’ with alcohol in me so I could ‘act’ confident and the time would pass faster.

I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allowed myself to physical change/physically react when trapped in thought patterns around this issue/couple such as: my whole body contracts in fear and self-doubt causing my breath to become shallow, my back and neck stiffen and begin to ache, my brow creases and my jaw clenches, I create energies/movement in my solar plexes which goes into my stomach causing nausea/stress/anxiety. No wonder I could not enjoy myself!

I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allowed myself to think/believe/perceive that others are aware, or should be aware of how I am experiencing myself , it should be obvious to them when I am uncomfortable others, and that they should take responsibility for me, blaming them for how I was feeling, ‘How insensitive this couple and my husband are, can’t they see how uncomfortable I am here!’ and ‘I am not impressed with their excessive wealth, it just makes the inequality in the world more blatant, I do not enjoy using their toys, I just want to go home.’ But if I was not impressed, why was I so uncomfortable and jealous? It was both, some jealousy/desiring the ‘good/easy’ life and some judgement of how it is wrong people exist in such extreme financial polarities on this earth

To continue
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Day 211: SOLUTION to Canada’s Minimum Wage Disgrace

clip_image002_thumb1A Living Income Guaranteed Is the Solution To Canada’s Minimum Wage Problem

Within the proposed Living Income Guaranteed, only those who are unable to work or lacking access to basic human necessities, will receive it. The reason for this is to ensure, for those who are able/capable to work, there is incentive to do so.
The minimum wage will be double the income guarantee. So for simplicity sake, let’s say the Living Income Guarantee is based on the numbers found by the group (used as an example in the previous blog) done in Vancouver, B.C., $19.14 per hour or $34,835 annually.
This would be provided for all who are not working, specifically;  quote taken  from What is the Living Income Guaranteed?   ‘LIG is a economic and political mechanism to ensure the establishment of Fundamental Human Birth Rights of the public through allocating an allowance on a monthly basis to every eligible individual that is currently in a position of being unable to sustain themselves – and/or people in their custody – financially to a level that Human Dignity deserves and that currently lack such support due to reasons beyond their immediate control including – but not limited to – unemployment, lacking access to food, lacking access to housing, lacking access to healthcare, lacking access to education, physical disability, being retired or not old enough to have a job….with guaranteed access to their fundamental human birth rights: Food, Water, Housing, Healthcare, Education, Clothing, Transportation, Public Services, etc.’
To Review:
SCENARIO 1:  2 full time Minimum wage earners @ $10.25/hr, with one child
The expenses added up to: $53,364 *note: with 2 children the expenses add up to $62,000
The wages added up to: $42,640
To keep in mind here, I did this estimate very conservatively, using a bare bones approach, it did not include any savings for retirement, a large purchase like a car or a home, loan payments, lost wages due to the unexpected, family pet to name some, but not all, possible life expenses.
SCENARIO 2:  2 full time LIVING wage earners @$19.14/hr, with two children
The expenses added up to: $5,288/month $63,456
The wages added up to: $6,125/month $73,500
Again, this estimate was prepared using a bare bones approach, the number used are very conservative and realistic but do not include any savings/budgeting: for vacation (mine did, lol, everyone deserves an annual break/enjoyment), retirement, a large purchases like a car or a home and ongoing costs associated , loan payments, lost wages due to the unexpected, family pet to name some, but not all, possible life expenses.
As you can clearly see, within the living income approach a family/individual has a budget that works, a budget that allows for covering some of the life expenses that are not covered in the two models.
SCENARIO 3:  A Living Income Guaranteed:
Here, any persons who cannot work or do not have access to basic human necessities, would receive the minimum living allowance of approximately $3,200/month or $38,400/yr (which is based, for simplicity sake in this blog, on $20/hr full time 40 hr/week) per person in the household. Looking at the second scenario of a family of 4, assuming none were employed, they would receive $153,600/yr.
*Remember here, there was MUCH not included/left out with respect to living expenses, in the 2 scenarios above, so this is enough for a decent life for 4 people, not an extravagant life.
There are people in the current system who have MUCH MORE than this who did nothing (as inherited/born into wealthy family) to earn/’deserve’ this life. If you are wondering about those who have an abundance of wealth now, no they would not receive the LIG as, in common sense, they simply do not need it.
And those that do work,  ‘we propose that the Minimum Wage is Doubled (twice the Living Income Allowance)’
Therefore, based on a living wage of $20/hr, 2 adults working full time they would be paid @ $40/hr totaling $6,400/mo each $76,800/yr. x 2 = $153, 600/yr. The difference in this scenario is adding on the monthly allowance for the 2 children brings the yearly income to $230,400!
At this point, please ‘Keep in Mind’:
1. The numbers I am using in these blogs are but an example, not necessarily the accurate/actual numbers that will be used/proposed by The Equal Life Foundation, which is the group advocating for A Living Income Guaranteed.
2. The Living Income Guaranteed model/approach was not created from the starting point of keeping people in a life situation where they have just enough to survive but that they, as equal to all other human beings on this planet, deserve a life which empowers them to be the best person they can be, so they are free to grow/learn/express/explore/expand as life.
Finally, an income opportunity and life for ALL to enjoy an annual vacation, explore the beautiful world, create a living space that is awesome, purchase materials/goods to sew or build, play with music and afford musical instruments, learn to build your own home and grow your own food, purchase land and design an awesome house, learn about culture/food/animals in other parts of the world, etc. You get the picture, finally you are not limited because of money and stress, you can breathe and begin to consider who you are, who you can become now that you’re not flat broke all the fucking time. YES!
3. This will have the effect of benefiting all of humanity as they discover and share their individual gifts, no longer allowing just the lucky few/families to benefit from man’s labor, as is the current system on earth.
How many Einsteins have we missed? How many potential authors/poets/musicians/inventors/scientists have died in childhood due to starvation/the lack of proper distribution of earth’s resources?
4.  Many will refute these figures and say it is impossible. It is not. To justify doing nothing, with the excuse ‘it is impossible’ is the LIE and an EVIL ( backwards is LIVE) mother f***n one at that.
The money to fund the Living Income Guaranteed will come from the nationalization of  resources, ‘banks and basic services which means that if, for example, your oil, gas, water, electricity, telecommunications ,transportation is defined as patrimony of the people, the profit that comes from the consumption/purchase of such goods and services should be sufficient to fund the Living Income Guaranteed for eligible individuals.’
Funding will also come from what was spent (trillions) on the military machine, to name one industry that will slowly dissipate, as over time people will see it is no longer required. War is all about money, greed, power and control. To use ‘God’ to justify killing/warring with others is just a convenient cover-up to continue with an antiquated approach to life, one that considers only ones own survival/interest/pleasures. Time to take responsibility for what we have all created equally here, a giant mess, and bring it back to what is real, as the physical. We are all here as billions of individuals but on one planet, earth and there is nothing we can do about that. But we can change the currents systems so all may enjoy a life worth living. There is enough here for all to live abundantly, it will just take time. We need to move ourselves in this direction.
5. Having said that, and having focused so far on the outer, what also requires to be changed is the inner. Meaning, we need to change the money system and/at the same time we also need to change ourselves within, change human nature. This means, each one must focus one oneself, in a process of self-discovery/awareness. A tall order, yes, impossible, no.  It is simply a decision  and a process.
215833_10150167859561275_578586274_7196492_6916509_nCheck out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation – a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All.
Check out the Living Income Guaranteed – with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.
Check out the FREE Downloadables at EQAFE! Educational series with Insights and Practical Support.


Day 210: Canada’s Minimum Wage Disgrace

1150290_296324983844102_1775596084_nProblem:  The minimum wage does not reflect the cost of living in Canada.  Not Even Close!

Typically, it is the retail employee, childcare worker, wait staff in restuarants, most service related jobs, who receive a whopping 10.25 hour as a minimum wage, with meager increases over periods of time (ie. after one year.50/hour) but these increases only add up to  $20/week, based on a full time 40 hour work week, or more likely $10/wk, as most retailer employers/owners only want part-time workers so they do not have to pay benefits, holiday pay or sick leave.

‘..After covering housing, transportation and food most will not be able to sustain a reasonable standard of living. They are among the thousands of working poor in Canada.’

Would you trade places with one of the slaves slugging away at your local Tim Horton’s, MacDonald’s, Foodland? If you are one of the lucky, living comfortably, the answer is NO you would not trade places.

So, let’s look at this problem within it’s simplicity, using the fact/truth that numbers can provide:

SENARIO 1  :  2 full time minimum wage earners, with one child

Income :   10.25 x 40 = $410/wk x 52 weeks = $21,320  x 2 = $ 42,640

Expenses/Cost of living:

personal income tax @ approx. 10%   $  4,264

rent 2 bedroom apartment:  $1395   x 12 = $16,800

food: for 2 adults and one child:  100/week 400/mo x 12  = $4800

childcare:  for 1 child                         650/mo x 12=  $7800

misc: home repairs/toiletries      $30/wk x  52=$1560

transportation:  ttc pass for one adult = $130 x 2 = 260 x 12= $3120

Utilities and phone/cable   approximately  250/mo x 12=$3000

emergency/contingency fund:   (approx 2 months rent) so put aside $250/mo=$3000

dental/medical (perscription drugs) $150/mo x 12= $1800

vacation  $3000

CLOTHING  200/mo x 12= $2400

misc:  gifts/movie/restaurant-dinner out/order in pizza   $50/wk x 52= $1820

This minimum wage calculation does not cover: Credit card, loan, or other debt/interest payments, owning a home with additional fixed expenses, one example being property tax at approx. $300/mo, family pet expenses, lost wages:  due to illness or to take care of family member, SAVINGS:  Retirement OR saving to purchase a home , education: adult or children’s post-secondary education     
The expenses above add up to:                               $53,364
The wages for the two working adults (full time):  $ 42,640
You can see the system is designed to benefit the banks-forcing people to go into debt just to survive!
As the numbers point out, ten thousand dollar per year in the hole AT LEAST (as I did this example very conservatively) so one must resort to  loans/credit just to get by. Thereby, adding another fixed payment onto the monthly budget to pay the interest (and small amount of principal) of this debt.  Doesn’t take a genius to see how people get into financial trouble and fast! If you have a one child/dependent and you/your partner has a minimum wage job, beware.  But, almost any scenario really, single, children, no children, if one is receiving the minimum wage, one is barely surviving, living pay cheque to pay cheque with no end in sight.  This also has a cost, as existing with this kind of financial stress can be emotionally, physically, mentally draining and lead into all kinds of illness.
SENARIO 2  :  2 full time LIVING wage earners, with two children


tumblr_mt4qfupW181sixnwzo1_1280The following explanation of a ‘Living Wage’ and the monthly expense budget (of an average Canadian family of 4) is from: ‘Working for a Living Wage: Making paid work Meet Basic Family Needs in Metro Vancouver: 2012 Update’  Please refer to the link below for more details.

Click to access CCPA_Living_Wage_Update_2012.pdf

Based on the principle that full-time work should provide families with a basic level of economic security, not keep them in poverty.
The amount needed for a family of four with two parents working full-time to pay for necessities, support the healthy development
of their children, escape financial stress and participate in their communities.
For Metro Vancouver, the living wage in 2012 is $19.14  (*proposed-not actual in Canada)
A Bare Bones Budget
At $19.14 per hour for Metro Vancouver
or $34,835 annually for each parent
working full-time
here’s what a family could afford:
$759/month (based on estimates by the Dietitians of Canada for a nutritious diet).
$1,436/month (includes conservative rent estimate for a three-bedroom
apartment, utilities, telephone, and insurance on home contents).
$468/month (includes the cost of owning and operating a used
car as well as a two-zone bus pass for one of the parents, replaced by a discounted
student transit pass, the U-Pass, for eight months of the year).
$1,168/month (for a four year old in full-time care, a seven year old in
after-school care, and six weeks of summer care). Notably, child care is the second
most expensive item in the living wage family budget after shelter.
$133/month (the cost of a basic extended health and dental
plan with Pacific Blue Cross Insurance; does not include expenses only partially
covered by the insurance plan).
$91/month (allows for two college courses per year).
$223/month (two week’s wages for each parent, which
provides some cushion for unexpected events like the serious illness of a family
member, transition time between jobs, etc.).
$699/month (covers personal care, furniture, household supplies, school
supplies, some reading materials, minimal recreation and entertainment).
This living wage calculation does not cover:
Credit card, loan, or other debt/interest payments;  Savings for retirement; Owning a home; Savings for children’s future education;
Anything beyond minimal recreation, entertainment, or holiday costs; Costs of caring for a disabled, seriously ill, or elderly family member; or
Much of a cushion for emergencies or tough times. “
The expenses above add up to:  $5,288/month
The wages for the two working adults (full time) adds up to:  $6,125/month
Note: these figure DO take into account money received from the government of Canada for child tax benefits and money paid to the federal/provincial governments for ie. income tax so are quite accurate but at the same time conservatively applied.
To continue with the implications of these 2 scenarios and the solution in tomorrow’s post
clip_image002_thumb1Check out the Bill of Rights @ the Equal Life Foundation – a comprehensive approach to our Co-existence to ensure the Right to Life, Freedom and Dignity for All. Check out the Living Income Guaranteed – with solutions that can be established in this lifetime to end the disaster of a profit driven system.
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