Day 264: Storm of Reactions 2: How to Stop Reacting in Spite

coming together 2coming-togetherFor proper perspective to this post, please read Day 263:  A Storm of Reactions: Acting in Spite   Excerpt:   I was at an AA (alcoholics anonymous) meeting last night, which was a 20 year medallion for a friendmeaning 20 years of sobriety… I was aware of several emotional reactions/backchat/thoughts/memories coming up into my mind, slow at first and then like a storm, throughout the hour and a half gathering.  So I will face them here within self-forgiveness and commitment statements and walk a self-correction process (living the commitment statement I write here) as I go about my day to day living and attend meetings in the future.

When and as I see myself going into judgement of another, in this case a speaker at a AA meeting, I stop and breathe. I bring myself/awareness back to physical reality out of my mind of thoughtsmemories, opinions, blame, projections. I make sure/remind myself that each person here is in their own process and I have no right to judge another but that I should look within and understand what is going on within myself, as to why such energies are coming up-what do I hear that is existent in me? Thus, I commit myself to take self-responsibility to ensure I am stable and so do not react/project outward onto another in spite.

When and as I see myself becoming the ‘needing to be liked’ character by thinking I ‘need’ to talk to someone , I stop and breathe. I feel my feet on the ground and remind myself I am a physical being here on earth and stay out of my mind. I realize I am not really concerned with them , as in the need to take care of them, but I am participating within self-interest, in disguise, because it fulfills a desire in me, as how I have defined myself in my mind throughout my life, as someone who ‘helps’ and ‘cares’. Thus, I commitmyself to speak with people without an energy ‘fix’ attached but express myself to others in self-honesty in the moment, not planned out in my head as ‘oh, I should talk to them because they need me’, thereby eliminating further mind bs of guilt if I don’t speak with them, annoyance/anger of an obligation, positive energy experience if I do speak with them like ‘I’m such a good person’.

When and as I see myself looking at men as sexual objects, I stop and breathe. I make sure I am here/present when at a meeting/speaking to men and not in my mind of opinions/judgements/desires/self-interest. I realize  if I am objectifying the man I am speaking to /listening to I am not fully present and thus cannot fully hear what they are communicating to me, therefore I cannot enjoy the interaction/learn from the conversation/assist and support the other person. I also realize I do not like it (overall) when men objectify me/ women in general so why would I want to do this to another?  I commit myself to the process of being fully here in awareness when listening/speaking to men and not seeing them as sexual objects but as beings, one and equal to myself.


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Investigate Desteni, investigate the forum where one is invited to write oneself out in self-honesty and where any questions regarding the Desteni Material will be answered by Destonians who are walking their own process. Visit the Destonian Network where videos and blogs are streamed daily. Suggest to also check out the Desteni I Process and Relationship courses as well as the FREE DIP Lite course

Day 263: A Storm of Reactions: Acting in Spite


I was at an AA (alcoholics anonymous) meeting last night, which was a 20 year medallion for a friendmeaning 20 years of sobriety. There were several people there I knew quite well from many years in the program, some I had not had a chance to speak with for quite a while. This is because there can be alot of people at a meeting, as well this particular group was a men’s group but for this specific celebratory evening the women were invited lol.  I was aware of several emotional reactions/backchat/thoughts/memories coming up into my mind, slow at first and then like a storm, throughout the hour and a half gathering.  So I will face them here within self-forgiveness and commitment statements and walk a self-correction process (living the commitment statement I write here) as I go about my day to day living and attend meetings in the future.

What I was aware of/identified:


I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to, as I listened to the speaker share his life story of how he became an addict and how he found recovery, engage/participate within backchat like, ‘he looks like a bully, oh he was a bully, figures, I hate guys like that, I would’t trust him as far as I could throw him…’

woman-taking-off-mask1In that, I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to continue chatting away inside my own mind, although I did see for a few moments how the thoughts were coming up one after another, I nonetheless became possessed by them and then possessed with anger and blame. This reaction came out as spite, when I ‘thanked’ him later, the truth is I spited him after he gave/shared freely with me, and I said, ‘I found it very painful to listen to your story…I did not like men like you before…I’m glad you are better for your daughter…’. Only later I realized my dad was a bully to me and to my siblings and then I married a bully and that is why I was reacting so strongly, I was projecting his story onto myself and not staying in reality with breath here but allowed the spite energies to build then spilling them onto this man in blame.

In that, I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to abdicate my self-responsibility and blame/spite another, becoming the self-victimization character and putting this man in the box of ‘the bully’, instead of standing as an example of life here.

2. Becoming the ‘people pleaser’ or ‘needing to be liked’ character

I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to become the ‘I should have talked to X’ or ‘I didn’t talk long enough to Y’ character, in that being a people pleaser or more specifically ‘needing to be liked’ character, thinking ‘it is my duty’ to ‘take care of’ people, that they need attention and I should give it to them so they feel good about themselves… but this is really what I beLIEve I need to do so others like me/accept me/think I am a ‘good person’, thus  it is really for me-to make me ‘feel good‘ about myself in self-interest and so I fulfill my own self-definition of “I am a good person’  and I supposedly can feel confident that ‘I know who I am!’

I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to think, ‘I should have talked more to P’s new girlfriend but I didn’t want to because he left my friend/his wife and I remembered how devastated I was when my husband left me’. In that, I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to become the judgment character, having an opinion of him being wrong and me being right and so justifying my ignoring his new girlfriend, based on my past as memories in self-interest &  the projection character, projecting my past divorce onto this current situation.

3. Putting sex first, seeing men sexually first, as ‘I am attracted to this guy’ or ‘I am not attracted to this guy’ and not simply seeing and speaking to the person/being before me. Note: This can be subtle, I was not aware of the extent to which I did this until it was discussed within my participation with Desteni: listening to Eqafe Interviews and taking the DIP/Desteni I Process Course. As well, I am with a partner and monogamous and not a flirt but nonetheless, there it was.

garbage-in-garbage-outI forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to look at several of the men at the meeting as sexual objects, seeing them as attractive or unattractive, noticing their body, clothing, hair and my preferences, me as the judge analyzing their appearance and engaging in inner chatter like, ‘I like his hair, really stylish jeans, he looks good in that, he’s really fit and sexy’ and then imagining speaking to them and wondering if they think I’m attractive, wondering if I looked ‘good enough’ to be noticed by them in a sexual way.

In that, I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to change how I approach and spend time with these men, so allowing the sexual thoughts to linger/be buzzing around my interaction with them, so I am not totally focused on the person in front of me. Therefore, I am unable to really hear them, unable to focus on the words they are speaking so I miss an opportunity to assist and support my fellow man because I am distracted, within self-interest, desiring an ego boost/some attention to make me feel good about myself as a woman/proof I am sexually attractive.

I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to participate within memories of one particular man and think, ‘He slighted me in the past, he thinks he is better than me and his girlfriend is better than me cause she makes alot of money‘ and not be here/real with my interaction with him in this moment. In that, I forgive myself for not realizing I have accepted and allow myself to become the judgement character, judging myself as right and him as wrong, spiting him in my mind for times in the past rejecting me as a friend, assuming he thinks he is superior to me and therefore this makes me superior to him, lol, going into self-blame and inferiority with regards to this person.

To continue 

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Investigate Desteni, investigate the forum where on is invited to write oneself out in self-honesty and where any questions regarding the Desteni Material will be answered by Destonians who are walking their own process. Visit the Destonian Network where videos and blogs are streamed daily. Suggest to also check out the Desteni I Process and Relationship courses as well as the FREE DIP Lite course