Day 128: Solutions for the Causes of Homelessness

226765_10150299670274966_599374965_9726694_1940504_nPlease refer to the previous post, ‘Day 127: Looking at the ‘Why’ behind the Causes of Homelessness’  for context to this blog.

From the previous post:  PROBLEM:

Homeless ‘mole people’, discovered in underground tunnels and shanty homes living in squalor, in Kansas City Missouri, are evicted. I say this is the problem and not the people themselves because, they are human beings and not ‘an eye soar’ a ‘difficult situation’.  We have become a society/world that places the value of money above the value of life, all living beings-SO THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM.

In an article from Buzzle the author states the main causes of  homelessness as: High Cost of Housing, Unemployment and Low Income, High Medical Costs, Drugs and Alcoholism, Lesser Government Assistance.


‘What we suggest is to have a platform established that will allow for human beings to take a break from the madness. This can be done through establishing an equal money-system, whereby every human being on earth will have a right to an equal unconditional income – from birth to death. The equal money-system would be aimed at removing fear and survival from the equation called ‘life’. This will establish a level of equality in which we can start to learn what it means to live together and how to trust each other. Simplistically, money is the tool the system is using to perpetuate its control over human beings. We say money can be used for good – if we understand how it works and then change the rules. Then we can come to a new agreement about how we want to live, where everyone is equally taken into consideration.’   FAQ: Why an Equal Money System

High Cost of Housing:  So EMC as an alternative way of distributing resources. A way where every family/human being  is guaranteed to have a house. It will be a massive undertaking as so many live in poverty now. Within an equal money society the need to all populate together in cities (to find employment) will not be as great (eventually disappear) as smaller self sufficient communities will be set up. ‘Community participation will be the most common form of any kind of development: the community will assist when a new house needs to be built, when a road needs to be repaired and so on. Professions will change from being specialized skills to universal skills, with each person having an understanding of how to construct a shelter suited to the particular area they are in (this will be learned by each person in their basic Education). There will be some people who will choose to focus their learning on things such as construction or engineering who will be available as additional support.  Al done with the understanding that what is good for the community as a whole is good for each member. Each community member is interdependent on every other member to the benefit of all.  DIY (with the help of your neighbours) will become the norm since each person will be able to build their own furniture, fix their own appliances, put up their own fences, install their own irrigation…Education will play a major role in the self-sufficiency of this housing concept, so the government will need to send trainers to teach communities how to build in the initial stages. Land will not be “owned” by anyone or anything – it will simply be cared for. Any disputes regarding usage that may arise will be settled in a community meeting where the most practical solution will be found and agreed upon by all the members.’   For more details go here:

Unemployment and Low Income:   One of the current problems is unemployment. Employment is the means through which each one acquires the means with which to sustain themselves – as, in return for one’s contribution, one receives an income. Therefore – full employment is not a negotiable subject – because if one is not employed, one loses all means of supporting oneself.  At the moment – capital is referred to as intermediary goods – such as machinery and warehouses. Within Equal Money Capitalism – capital will refer to Life and include resources and people. Therefore – to value capital, means to value Life – and thus, all capital and all Life should be valued equally. For this – full employment is again a necessity…’  Read more:

High Medical Costs:  ‘Equal Money implies that everyone has the same right to life and that everyone bears equal value as life. Within an Equal Money System Health Care will be available for all equally. No person will get more Health care than another. Each person will submit a request based on their medicinal and health care requirements, which will then be produced for each on a monthly basis. How this impacts within the health industry is that the health industry will submit that which it requires on a monthly basis and it is restocked on a monthly basis. Thus as an individual, when you go to the hospital / clinic, what you require to maintain your health is already available – which you will be provided with…’   Read more:

Drugs and Alcoholism:  ‘... Once the facts and effects of alcohol are researched thoroughly and are known to all we will all agree on the decision that alcohol should be outlawed. This is an act of intervention/prevention that is best for all rather than deliberate promotion of abuse based on profit as is in the current economic system. In an EM society people who have developed addiction problems will be assisted immediately and effectively. Eventually technology will allow one’s DNA to be read and according to the output of a person’s DNA the person’s physical-chemical-psychological condition can be detected. Thus if there is an addiction problem it will be reflected on the output of the reading signal of DNA. The person can thus receive immediate assistance and support from necessary professionals at early stages of developing such a problem. There will be also a lot of changes with regards to psychology and psychiatry. In the current system psychology and psychiatry are driven by the motive of making money from the patients and thus the patients’ problems are deliberately not cured actually so that they can continue to be exploited. In the EMS such things cannot be tolerated. Research being done will be focused on discovering the actual reasons for human being’s dysfunctional problems and find real effective practical solutions.’    Read More:


“A Few Points about Equal Money Capitalism, just to Wet your Appetite:

– It will Bring an End to All Debt in the World

– Property Ownership will be a Basic Human Right

– Healthcare will be a Basic Human Right

– Happiness will be a Basic Human Right

– Employment will be a Basic Human Right

– Education will be a Basic Human Right

Freedom of Choice will be a Basic Human Right

This is But a Few of the Results of the Law of “Giving as you would like to Receive”, Embodied in Capitalism that is Based On Equal Rights for Every Human Being on Earth.

Every Human Being Claim ‘the Right to Life’, yet there is no Protection of this Right – unless you, in the Current Capitalism, have the Benefit of Money; this Equal Money Capitalism (EMC), will Prevent. What will also be Prevented, is War. As War is Profit-Driven.

It is Time for a New World System. One Based on Prevention, instead of Reaction. One Based on Honouring the Right of Life, Equally for All.

Join the Journey to Life, and Become Part of a Solution.” ~ Bernard Poolman

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Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Day 127: Looking at the ‘Why’ Behind the Causes of Homelessness


Homeless ‘mole people’, discovered in underground tunnels and shanty homes living in squalor, in Kansas City Missouri are evicted. I say this is the problem and not the people themselves because, they are human beings and not ‘an eye soar’ a ‘difficult situation’.  We have become a society/world that places the value of money above the value of life, all living beings-SO THAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM.

In the comments section below the article you find many interesting perspectives, one person states the ‘mole people’  are there because of their own poor choices in life, and that there are many ways out if they are willing to make the positive changes that are necessary. Wish this were true, but it is extremely naive and misguided  for several reasons.  Unfortunately for most, it is just too late. In an article from Buzzle the author states the main causes of  homelessness as: High Cost of Housing, Unemployment and Low Income, High Medical Costs, Drugs and Alcoholism, Lesser Government Assistance.  Yes, but let’s look at WHY-the root cause of each of these issues so we stop using a band aid approach OR CHARITY to solve them and create a new system that is based on equality as a  lasting and effective solution!  The problem of homelessness is not mysterious and can be solved quite simply (not easily or quickly, it would be a process over many years to completely eradicate),  if not for the GREED AND SELF-INTEREST  accepted within the current economic model, which prevents a permanent solution.


High Cost of Housing:  Why does this issue exist?  Because within free market capitalism, it is apparently cool to look after number 1, you and your family come first and the accepted game is to  accumulate as much profit as you are able within your lifetime, therefore, the house/rental costs are what the market can bear, which is great if you have money and if you don’t IT’S NOT MY PROBLEM.

Unemployment and Low Income: Why does this issue exist?  Because the government of the U.S. and ALL supposed first world nations do not share the wealth! As living costs rise, the vulnerable and middle class are not considered in the equation, therefore, income does not rise to meet what is required to afford housing.  This creates a burden on the majority of the population to pay basic expenses, which places stresses and pressures to keep up in an environment of competition versus cooperation. The snowball effect results in increased sickness, addiction, divorce, child abuse to name a few.  As well, employment for all is not considered a priority over profit resulting in the accepted practices of laying off workers when machines- or hiring even cheaper labor- can do the job. So the divide between the rich and poor gets ever greater and continues in a downward spiral with no practical solution in sight.

aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRnd3dy5tb3h2b3hkZXNpZ24uY29tJTJGd3AtY29udGVudCUyRnVwbG9hZHMlMkYyMDExJTJGMTIlMkZmZWFyLW9mLWZhaWx1cmUtMzEweDIzMi5qcGc=High Medical Costs:  Why does this issue exist?  Because the government protects the powerful pharmaceutical corporations, keeping their prices to doctors/hospitals/consumers high,  and in turn these drug companies continue to support the relevant party with donations and help them remain in office. Those that have the power have the money, they are in ‘bed together’ and do not want to share.  As well, the government does not adequately support the hospitals with enough financial assistance  so medical staff is underpaid and overworked, there are equipment shortages and basically not enough funds to run the hospital and this translates into higher fees for the patient. The government once again can ‘keep their costs down’ by getting away with health care spending cuts.

Drugs and Alcoholism:  Why does this issue exist?  Because parents are not adequately educated how to raise a child who understands how to care for themselves, how the mind operates, how to live as the words they speak within integrity-because the parents themselves were taught,  ‘get what you can, it’s a dog eat dog world’ a life lesson with fear as it’s foundation.  So it is the starting point of the parent teaching the child to do whatever they can to survive, which does not consider the rest of society/humanity to be as important/one with them. This fear creates all sorts of demons within a person and the focus is not on self care-as you are one with your world and environment-but you are in opposition to /with it.  Therefore a person reaches for a drug to give temporary relief to the mind which is existing in/as fear.

Lesser Government Assistance:  Why does this issue exist?  Because the government wants to reduce cost/expenses to reduce it’s deficit, so replacing one problem for another and allowing a downward spiral by cutting funds to programs for the ‘vulnerable’ ones who need assistance.   Do the  government look in common sense and say, ‘Ok our salaries are on average $50K and these people have $0 or let us impose an immediate tax on those that have an income or assets over 2 million dollars, so let us distribute some MONEY/equalize this equation so they can purchase a home?’  NOPE. And we are allowing this by our complianceHow about ‘let us build houses and give them to the homeless and use  money from the military budget to accomplish this?’  No again, why are these questions considered  silly/unrealistic/naive? Shouldn’t decent, safe and enjoyable shelter be a basic human right? Isn’t that what a government should be for , to serve and protect ALL of it’s citizens?  

A few more points, one, it is mentioned in the article that the ‘mole people’ will be assisted with shelter needs, but they obviously do not want much to do with the shelters (perhaps some do) as they had seen that offer and found it so inadequate they went to the extreme of digging underground tunnels  for themselves and their families!  And two, superficiality has replaced compassion and decency, within our societies to such an extreme that we prefer to not look at something that is ‘ugly’ ‘dirty’. Understanding the reporter needs to present his article in a sensational way so to attract the reader, the reporter uses words and phrases like, ‘dirty diapers found’ and ‘candles and old filthy mattresses’ to stir up images of ignorance and a haphazard attitude. However, one needs to eat and sleep therefore garbage is created, sometimes you put it in bags and animals rip open the bags, it is difficult to transfer to a garbage dump if you do not have a vehicle to do so, the earth is soil/dirt so obviously items will get ‘dirty’, this doesn’t mean you love your family less-they don’t have the money to simply pop something into the wash and dryer in common sense, if one has no flashlight as it was too expensive and one has a candle then you are going to ‘make due’ for that night and use what is available, sure its dangerous and irresponsible but you do what you have to that night to survive.

To continue with SOLUTIONS in the next post


“A Few Points about Equal Money Capitalism, just to Wet your Appetite:

– It will Bring an End to All Debt in the World

– Property Ownership will be a Basic Human Right

– Healthcare will be a Basic Human Right

– Happiness will be a Basic Human Right

– Employment will be a Basic Human Right

– Education will be a Basic Human Right

Freedom of Choice will be a Basic Human Right

This is But a Few of the Results of the Law of “Giving as you would like to Receive”, Embodied in Capitalism that is Based On Equal Rights for Every Human Being on Earth.

Every Human Being Claim ‘the Right to Life’, yet there is no Protection of this Right – unless you, in the Current Capitalism, have the Benefit of Money; this Equal Money Capitalism (EMC), will Prevent. What will also be Prevented, is War. As War is Profit-Driven.

It is Time for a New World System. One Based on Prevention, instead of Reaction. One Based on Honouring the Right of Life, Equally for All.

Join the Journey to Life, and Become Part of a Solution.” ~ Bernard Poolman

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Check out the Desteni I Process Lite
a FREE course that will assist humanity to end the disaster of a dysfunctional consciousness.

Day 112: I Never Paid Back My Dad: Deep Sadness and Regret 4



Uhhhhgggg, back to this. It is what it is, emotions existing within and as me that are useless and only harm my physical body, so to continue with this process of ridding myself of the memories, existing within the muscle tissue/fiber of the flesh, so they do not come up over and over again in a continual time loop, causing me to live from the starting point of the past, as a character/personality I have created. Let us continue with this process of eliminating ‘the debtor’.

I am sad and often plagued by regret and guilt that I borrowed money, over a period of about 12 years, from my father and he has since passed away.

So the problem is living as the personality of ‘the debtor/the borrower’ today, even though I do not participate in the behavior anymore. To solve this /change it, one must proceed fearlessly, delve into it, see it clearly, why did it happen, what am I hanging onto?  And then be/live the change so as to not repeat it.


 Walking a 7 year process of applying self-forgiveness and living a self-corrective application with each breath throughout one’s day.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become regret and as regret think ‘why, why do I do that? Oh shit, I was always asking for money,  how f**n disappointing is that for him as a parent? I worried him and he felt so much guilt, what a f***n mess it all was, and now he is gone forever, and there is nothing I can do about it.’

When and as I see myself going into this thinking I stop myself and go back to breath here, as I now see/realize/understand it is useless as it does not change the past, it leads me into further mind pictures/memories/emotions that are harmful to my human physical body, my dad understood I was a single parent and I was struggling with raising the children basically on my own.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize when I am going into my mind of imagination with pictures and memories of : seeing him helping me moving to the house we are in now, being on the phone with him and him asking me if paying off my second mortgage will end my money troubles and me lying saying ‘yes’, him being angry that I used his credit card number without asking him to pay for a tooth to be removed, him loaning me money for part of a down payment to get a home 3 years after my marriage ended and we lost all our equity, him being upset and confused on the phone when I had to ask for money so my second home purchase would go through or I would be sued as I was drinking heavily at the time of purchase and did not account for the necessary money needed, him being upset about a loan my ex-husband promised to pay him back and never did and feeling terribly guilty about it, him giving me gas/grocery money almost each time I would visit my parent up north after they retired and I brought up the kids for a visit.

Why do I allow myself to do this over and over? Because I am desiring to somehow resolve the past by thinking about it, I do not want to accept the consequence that I hurt/caused my dad pain/anxiety/worry/stress as I feel guilty about it, I am not trusting my process of stopping thoughts because I do not completely understand what it means to stabilize myself here in physical equality and oneness-like how is that going to solve anything?

When and as I see myself falling into my mind of imagination of the past around this issue I immediately bring my awareness back to the physical with breath and remain here, as I now understand I cannot effectively direct myself/my day if I am lost in thoughts/pictures in my mind, of the past, it does not change the past and so is a waste of time, I no longer allow myself to exist from/as the starting point of the past as memory experiences as this is not life but a pre-programmed response and thus I am not changing,  I no longer allow myself to wallow in self-pity and use alcohol as an excuse to not make responsible financial choices/decisions.

main-qimg-6c3c48558a3b880ae7f59e49ead68feeI forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize I am engaging in backchat around this issue, of all the money I borrowed from my dad (and mom) over the years. In that, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realized I blamed my parents, my father in particular, for my circumstances during these years and justified this blame through backchat of: ‘Well, I’m only in this lousy situation because I married a man like him (my father), anyway he has lots of money it won’t affect their lives at all, I hope I am not the reason they didn’t get the house on the golf course (lol-some problem), well they always say I my schooling cost them/ I cost them the least amount of any of their children and I was the ‘easiest’ of their children so I can ask now/use the money now,  it’s for the children not me, it’s because he beat me down emotionally I’m in this predicament, he was verbally abusive so that’s why I’m such a loser/mess, I’ll  pay him back, they can just take it out of my inheritance, I need it now not later in life ,this is the last time I ‘ll ask him for a loan, I can’t lose my house again, I have to do this , just have a few drinks and then call him..’

As well, I now realize I blamed my mom for not sticking up more for us kids when my father became abusive and I was somewhat jealous of her (and my sister) for having such an ‘easy life compared to mind’ as they had husbands who made very good income and were very stable this way. So I justified borrowing over and over by telling myself /engaging in backchat of : ‘She (my mom) never had to make/earn a dime in her life, it was all given to her from my dad’s hard work, what does she care, what difference does it make, she never had to worry about paying even one bill her whole life, I have so much stress, she has no stress, it’s for the kids for gods sake…’

When and as I see myself beginning to participate in backchat about this issue of borrowing from my parents, my dad in particular, I stop and I breathe, remind myself I am physical as I now see/understand my father is walking his own process in the dimensions now and we are all one and equal, I stopped this behavior with my mom some years ago now and wrote her a letter explaining what happened to me with regards to the trouble with my mind and alcoholism and she was very gracious about it, I am not at all spiritual anymore/listening to my mind, I do not and have not used alcohol (zero) for 9 years now and I just enjoy music and do not engage in fantasy about success anymore and so I am able to act financially responsible today and my mom sees this and my children see this, I cannot change the past but I have changed how I live in each moment, I continue on with the task at hand grateful I am whole- body, mind, beingness- so I am able to contribute to creating a world that is best for all, nothing I would rather do!

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize I am participating in the following emotions around this issue: sadness, regret, guilt, remorse, self-criticism, self-blame, self-pity,  blame of another, anger, jealousy, comparison and shame.

Why am I  participating with sadness, regret and guilt? (being the 3 major emotions that come up within/as me)

Because I realize I acted irresponsibly with money, decision making recklessly, living recklessly as drinking alcoholically and listening/following my mind as in spirituality thinking my dreams (night dreams)  and inspirations were from a ‘higher power’, writing music instead of facing my life in reality and getting full time employment and thus a reliable (or fairly reliable) steady income to meet my monthly expenses instead of only making a medium but not enough income through various ways using my home, not having the courage to work outside the home, using being a single mom as an excuse to not ‘face the world’, using ‘low self-esteem’ as an excuse to not face my fears of my life being ‘not the way I envisioned it should be’, using lethargy/apathy as an excuse, using the cold/long winters of the city I live in as an excuse of not wanting to take the kids to school or daycare before work as in it would be too difficult/uncomfortable. When the truth is my life was-in one way-quite fun and easy  (when the kids went to their dad’s place) hanging out with musicians, drinking, partying.  I just avoided life/my situation (having children and virtually no money) by going into debt, over and over, and then borrowing.

When and as I see myself going into emotions around this issue I immediately stop myself and go back to my physicality with /as breath awareness, as I now see/realize/understand none of this was my Dad’s responsibility and it was fully mine, as I had my children in full awareness, no one forced me to and it is not his fault the path my life took, I choose the path of spirituality and alcohol instead of facing myself and acting responsibly. I also realize he loved me and was mostly very eager/happy to assist me in this way. I realize he for the most part had enough money to have a very enjoyable life and wanted for nothing.

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