Day 101: Obedience or Rebellion? What is the Solution for a Dying World?


The following is an excerpt from the previous post, Day 100, please read for proper context to this blog.

I watched the Documentary OBEY yesterday and I have to say it confused me. Although it was a strong presentation, visually hypnotizing actually, and brings forth many important points, it fell short as it offered no practical solutions.  There was no viable  solution to the point of the entire video, which it hammered home very effectively throughout, being the ever increasing Totalitarianism we are experiencing world wide, as more and more of the world’s governments are controlled by the corporations, putting value on profit and not valuing life.

PROBLEM:  Rebellion doesn’t offer a lasting solution….



The solution to the problem of a world that is increasingly more controlled by the self-interested elite, with less and less equality/balance between the haves and have nots, with more and more government/corporate control is, not to obey OR rebel (2 polarities with the same outcome of no change that is best for all life on earth) but to create a world system based on the principal of equality, as EMC (Equal Money Capitalism) for all human beings, and equally the many dimensions within our earth of the animal kingdom, the oceans, the plants, the atmosphere, etc., knowing ALL that is here, that is physical, is a vital part of the one planet as life.

Heal Yourself
Heal Yourself

If change is not approached on a macro level, integrating mankind with all that is here, it is doomed to fail, as it always has. Why?  Because of a little thing and ONE MASSIVE EXCUSE that we call ‘human nature’. It is human nature to compete, as in survival of the fittest and it is human nature to be greedy, may as well not mince words. So, in actuality we must change first at a micro level-human nature- and then at the macro level. BUT for this to occur, we must start at an individual/micro level, with each person being responsible for changing themselves, who they are within themselves.

Another part of the solution is for populations to unite, stop the separation of humankind by the ego through geography/nations/religions/class/color etc.   Dividing into groups, ‘Divide and Conquer’, only has the effect of weakening any movement/rebellion. If we want ‘power to the people‘ then we-the people-must stand together, as in agreement on how a economic/world system can operate that serves all, not just some BUT ALL.  It is in the joining, the one + one where the power resides. As we change individually, this undertaking/task will seem less massive.

This is how a lasting change will occur OTHERWISE we just wash and repeat, egos destroy collectives, ego separating man from man, ego separating group from group. Yes, I am suggesting we change human nature, what better way to spend our time here on earth?  Generation to generation,  it will take time but eventually, we will act/live responsibly, not only for each other/toward one another but for/toward the animal kingdom,  the plant kingdom, the oceans. Shame on us, we have been so self-interested, we left life itself behind to suffer, to perish.

So, it is not to separate further into groups-each warring the other-more division, creating more hate, as the elite wash their hands of the mess ‘let them kill each other then, more for us!’ but to realize we are one earth/planet, all here together-no choice of that-that is a fact SO how to live this fact, in self-responsibility as one and equal in equality.  This is the only real solution.  This solution is in fact incorporated into EMC, Equal Money Capitalism, see several links below.

Where does the power truly lie?  In politics.  Politics is the legal way for the world’s populations to regain power.   The real power of the people–where no ‘hope’ need reside–where no violent uprising need take place–it is in our numbers, in democracy, one man one vote, we are 7 billion, this is where the power to change lies !

For further reference, read  the Equal Money  Wiki


 314. How does Rebelling support Corporations?

 Day 310: The Children of the Law of One (Part Three)  –



Day 100: Obey Or Rebel? Neither Because Neither is a Solution

Drop The Chains Of The Past
Drop The Chains Of The Past

I watched the Documentary OBEY yesterday and I have to say it confused me. Although it was a strong presentation, visually hypnotizing actually, and brings forth many important points, it fell short as it offered no practical solutions.  There was no viable  solution to the point of the entire video, which it hammered home very effectively throughout, being the ever increasing Totalitarianism we are experiencing world wide, as more and more of the world’s governments are controlled by the corporations, putting value on profit and not valuing life.

PROBLEM:  Rebellion doesn’t offer a lasting solution.

SO, the documentary ended with the suggestion that we do not ‘obey’ (which I agree with) but that we ‘rebel’.

Huge problem here, as we look at history, we can clearly see, that although revolutions can bring down the castle, btw in the past and recent history it has been through violence that this has occurred, another evil empire eventually emerges.  Sometimes quickly, sometimes over several decades but it always has happened this way. If this were not a truth, we would be living in a truly benevolent world today and WE ARE NOT.

Because the creator/s of ‘Obey’ did an amazing job of showing us how the world systems, as they currently exist, are screwing us individually and globally, and there is not much we can do about it, you are left to wonder, what is the  point of ‘rising up’ when clearly all the ‘power’ is in the hands of the governments/corporations=all the money ??  So they mention ‘hope’ of all things. Almost like, ‘well, we’re basically powerless, it’s all going to hell but…we can hope’.

From  hope: ‘ the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best’

Wow, a feeling!  That’s a pretty flimsy thing to hang your decision on when one–and any change will come from one as in YOU in the equality equation of 1 + 1  –is considering whether to rebel/face the monster/face the impossible task of world change… or not!  A feeling comes and goes, a feeling is energy, it has no stability, in fact it has no substance, don’t you think it would have made a difference by now if it held any real power ? Do you realize how many millions/billions of human beings ‘hope‘ in the form of prayer/thinking each and every day, each and every minute?  Nope, real power, it does not have. Not suggesting the maker of the documentary meant to lie but that is a lie. I realize he/they did qualify it somewhat and say ‘not just hope but Real hope’ as if there is a difference. Hope is hope, I ‘wish’ it wasn’t so.

I do agree, however that we must be ‘armed’ with the facts, understand how we got to this point; the systems of government, business, military etc. in order to change it. Now, the film maker explains this clearly so I will not repeat it.

391789_10150423519021275_578586274_8957014_217698180_nWhat is concerning/THE PROBLEM is the solution offered as rebellion, as in ‘do not go gently into that goodnight’, as it is presented as quite an impossible journey “but one we must make, we must try” kind of thing.

Firstly, rebellion/revolution is often violent, there is massive suffering, loss of life, can attract a criminal element from society and COSTS MUCH MONEY. I understand he does not only mean a physical rebellion but all too often this is where it leads, as history shows us.

More importantly, the act of rebelling has the opposite effect /desired outcome the uprising groups want , just as it did after the OWS movement (Occupy Wall Street) as it allowed the corporations to put in more control,  there was an increase in police/security presence in several American cities.  As rebellions rise, the corporations can cry to the local and federal authorities to engage more laws , more police, more security. Therefore,  the rebellion itself can be considered to be an influence/force to increased systems of Totalitarianism –more and more government intervention/presence/control and more and more corporate control–to misdirect people away from politics suggesting their efforts will never work, it is too difficult, as in ‘we will make it too difficult!’


To continue with solutions